Brandon/Teena Brandon of Nebraska, USA, a gender-crossing individual who was raped and a week later murdered in 1993 after his female anatomy was revealed. The case of Brandon, Nebraska - -As documented in Richardson County Sheriff's Department Defence Report and the Proceedings before Judge Robert T. Finn at Richardson County court house in Falls City, Nebraska, 1994; Brandon's ambi-gender triggers a triple murder tragedy that is repeatedly brought up as the penetration point of establishing a case of sexual assault.

TRB: Brandon
TWO: Richardson County Sheriff #1
CBL: Richardson County Sheriff #2

TRB: they said I was tight.

TWO: Did you ever tell them to stop? You have to speak up I can't hear.

TRB: Yes, pretty much all the time.

TWO: And they wouldn't stop?

Q: So there were two--Am I-- Am I correct, there were two entrance wounds attributed to bullets?

A: That's correct.

Q: And were there exit wounds?

A: They went outside to a garage, which he said was -- wasn't well-lighted. She pulled down her own pants, basically he advised that he seen something there, reached out to touch it and she advised him to wait and indicated that -- told him that she had had a sex change operation and that -- also indicated that in order for her to get -- to get and erection, she would have to pump it up. She told him before he felt that area that expect it to be flat and slippery. He indicated that he did touch the area and it was flat but he still could not identify what it was because he had never bee around a sex change operation and he'd never read about any, so he wasn't sure what it was.

TRB: We told them we were bumper skiing.

CBL: You were what?

TRB: Bumper skiing.

CBL: Bumper skiing?<

TRB: That is where you hang onto a bumper and....

TWO: slip behind the car as they pull you down the road.

TWO: Okay now , now we are skipping over something here, After he asked you to take your clothes off and you took your clothes off then explain to me what happened.

TRB: He raped me.

CBL: let's put it real bluntly what they did to you. Wešre here to investigate this and the only way we can investigate is if you tell us exactly what happened.

TRB: He penetrated me without my permission.

CBL: He penetrated you?

A: He indicated that she, herself, pulled her pants down to show them a little ways and that he said himself that she didn't get her pants down far enough, so he reached over and pulled them down a little farther and actually what he seen between her legs was a coiled up belt.

Q: Did you talk to him at this point about whether or not there had been a sock -- a rolled up sock of some kind in Teena Brandon's pants?

A: Yes, I did.

CBL: You didn't have a sock. Do you run around once in a while with a sock in your pants to make you look like a boy?

TRB: Yeah.

CBL: How come you forgot to tell us all about this?

TRB: Well, I didn't see it as important.

CBL: It's all important when we are doing an investigation. We ask you to start at the beginning and you skipped half of it, now if we don't know all if we are kind of in the middle of daylight and dark. Do you know how that is? We don't know that is up or down. Alright so, after he pulled your pants down and seen you were a girl what did he do? Did he fondle your, any?

TRB: I had my socks on.

CBL: You had your socks on. So they got ready to poke you, how were you positioned in the back seat?

TRB: On my back.

CBL: You were on your back. Where did they try first at?

TRB: My vagina.

CBL: They tried sinking it in your vagina, and you say you have never had sex before. Is that correct?

Q: And I think you mentioned that Deputy Olberding, when he returned, brought a paper bag Athena contained an item of the rolled up socks, is that correct?

A: That's correct.

Q: These were allegedly found at the alleged -- the scene of the alleged crime, correct?

A: That's correct.

TRB: He pulled up, there is a building right here and then there's a fence and he pulled up into the field by the side of the chain link fence.

TWO: The pumping station ? He pulled back behind the pumping station, you know what it looks like all them big oil tankers are.

TRB: Yeah, but it wasn't the pumping station he pulled in. It sounds like a , ah, something to do with hot dogs that's all I remember.

TWO: Well Hormel is across the road from the pumping station there.

Q: Ma'am, your report indicates this individual was initially identified by an X-ray technician, who identified the individual sa male who had come in previously, true?

A: true

Q: The form itself indicates that male was originally circled and then crossed out. Female was then circled, true?

A: True

TRB: He said he couldn't get it in far.

CBL: He said he couldn't get you?

TRB: He said he couldn't get in in, but all I know is it hurt so I couldn't tell the difference. Whatever he was doing it hurt.

CBL: Whatever he was doing it hurt. So you knew he couldn't get it in or he know he couldn't get it in you?

TRB:He said that he couldn't get it in.

CBL: Okay. So then after he couldn't stick it in your vagina he stuck it in your box or in your buttocks, is that right?

TRB: Yes, sir.

CBL: How long did he do that?

TRB: Long enough, I didn't time it.

CBL: I mean, did he, did it seem like a life time? Or what?

A: I just told her that I was sorry to put her through this, but we needed her to undress totally, and that we needed to see how far the extent of the assault had gone.

Q: Okay, now did you really need to do that just for a physical assault?

A: No.

CBL: How did you have your legs when he was trying to do that?

TRB: He had them positioned on each side and he was positioned in betwen my legs.

CBL: You had your legs, ah, your feet up around his back or did you just have them off to the sides of what?

TRB: I had one foot on the floor and the other on the seat.

CBL: Was the seat there or was the seat in the truck?

TRB: What do you mean?

Q: Okay. What was, then, you reason? And if you can be realy clear, what was your reason for asking her the questions or approaching the subject in that way?

A: More or less to determine her gender.

TRB: I haven't the slightest idea.

CBL: You haven't the slightest idea? You go around kissing every girl?

TRB: I don't have any fingernails.

CBL: You don't have any fingernails? Why do you run around with girls instead of guys being you are a girl yourself?

TRB: Why do I what?

Q: Please continue.

A: She was having some trouble or uncomfortable with her sexual identity.

Q: What do you mean by that?

A: Like she felt uncomfortable in her own skin or something. I don't know.

Q: And how did that discomfort manifest itself? What was she doing?

A: I --

MR. BLAKESLEE: Your Honor, I'm going to object on foundation.

THE COURT: Overruled. You can answer.

Q: Okay. once again, sir, I believe you've noted already that the wound on the lower chin had characteristics of this stippling, which you previously said is unspent powder?

A: That's correct.

Q: What does that indicate to you about the distance of the gun from that wound at the time it was inflicted?

A: means its a close gunshot wound, as opposed to-- contact as opposed to a distant, this is a close wound. Close enough to have the powder on the skin,

A: I don't understand how --

Q :Well, you mentioned that she was uncomfortable -- she was uncomfortable within her own skin.

So how did that problem come out? How did other people see it?

A: She would portray herself as somebody else.

Q: Anyone in particular?

A: She -- A man.

selected court proceedings and interviews based on
document#1 Richardson County Sheriff's Department Defence Report
document#2 Proceedings before Judge Robert T. Finn Richardson County court house, Falls City, Nebraska,1994