Sarah Hood was diagnosed with a multiple personality disorder, claimed she had been raped by Mark Peterson when he lured out her "naive but fun-loving personality", Jennifer, to have sex with him. Different personalities are witness to and attest or silence the narrative in the proceedings of State of Wisconsin V. Peterson, 1990.

Reading by Lawrence Lessig, Harvard Law School.

JPJOE PAULUS, Prosecuting, District Attorney
ES EDWARD SALZSIEDER, Peterson's Attorney
MP Mark Peterson, Defendant
SH Sarah Hood - 27 yo /"the body"
Fran Franny - 30 yo, nurturing, tidier
Jen Jennifer - 20 yo naive, fun loving
E Emily - 6yo girl; "peeking/witnessing"
Sam Sam "the Man" Carmichael (evovled from Animal)

JP: This thing you said was sticking out of him, had you ever seen one of those before?

Jen: No.

JP: Do you know what it is. Today do you know what it is?

Jen: Today, yes. Dr.Braun told me.

JP: He told you what it was?

Jen: And Leslie told me.

JP: Do you know what it's called?

Jen: Yeah.

JP: What's the word.

Jen: Leslie says "it's a dick."

JP: Do you know what it was or what it was called back then?

Jen: No.

JP: Do you know what it was used for?

MP: Well, as we proceeded to Fugleberg Park, I went to see if I could hold her hand and I got her leg. And from there we got into Fugleberg Park, I asked her if I could love her.

JP: Then what happened?

MP: She said yes.

JP: And did you catch a fish by the way?

MP: I did not.

JP: Did Franny catch a fish while you were there?

MP: I was not in recognition if she did or not. As we were fishing it was getting dark and the DNR representitve came by and he was asking us what fish were being pulled out of the lake. I replied that they were crappies, joking around as krappies, bullhead, sandpike, swalleye and carp were being pulled out of there.

SH: There had been harm to the body. I am in the dark place.

JP: That's what you call it?

SH: Yes.

JP: Can you describe the dark place?

SH: It is a place of no sensation, no time passing. You can think, you can't do much else.

JP: You don't know what's going on outside?

SH: No, not unless somebody comes in and gets me, one of the insiders or if I am called out.

JP: Now, with regard to MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), different personalities within, have you now been able to identify some of those people?

SH: Yes.

JP: Sarah, I'd like to talk to you about a specific day, June 9, 1990. That would be a Saturday.

SH: Yes.

JP: Do you personally recall going to Menominee Park in Oshkosh that day?

SH: No.

JP: Were you later told you were at the park?

SH: I was told some of my personalities were.

SH: There is Leona.

JP: Tell us about her.

SH: She is very kind and a wise woman, I don't know her age, neiher does she, she works very well with imagery.

JP: How so, give us an example of that.

SH: She can create an environment in my mind in which there is a log cabin, a safe haven and several acres of wooded property and animals where the environment is so real that when I go there or anyone of the personalities go there, for instance, if the grass is wet you can feel it, when the horses nuzzle you or dogs lick you, you can eat there. It is the only place where your insiders go where they have faces and bodies and physical contact.

JP: Is that a place you like?

SH: Yes.

JP: Do you know why insiders go there?

SH: Because it is the only place that they can have physical contact. It is the only place where they can have faces and physical identities of their own.

JP: Okay, There is a person within you once known as Animal?

SH: Yes.

JP: He is not known as that anymore?

SH: No, he's not.

JP: What is he called now?

SH: Sam the Man Carmichael.

JP: And where did Animal come from, what was he like?

SH: He was -- I understand that he was born at Menningers, a mental health clinic, and the explanation from the others is that because there it took an animal to survive he was a defensive animal, very frightened, he went on all fours, he would scramble when he came out of the nearset furniture and attempted to hide under it. If you attempted to touch him or remove the furniture, his protection, he would growl and try to bite.

JP: Is Animal differnt now as Sam than he was before?

SH: Very different.

JP: How so?

SH: He is human now, he has evolved.

SH: Shadow was originally very violent and full of rage at me because he blamed me for creating him to take on my childhood pain. He three times smashed my hands, my fist through windows and several times cut me with knives and called me cutting meat. I was afraid of him.

JP: So were the insiders -- when those things happened, were you personally aware it was going on?

SH: Yes.

JP: How was that?

SH: It was terrifying. I could feel him coming out because of the rage. I could not control him. I was terrified.

JP: You were not able to intercede and stop it?

SH: No.

JP: Been doing some switching today, you feel okay?

SH: I kind of hollered, "He what" and I became very, very angry and I started to shake with anger. I went into the house and I called the cops and I told them I want to report a date rape.

JP: You remember when you told me you had eighteen different ones at the time of the assault?

SH: That I knew of.

JP: You testified at hearing about a month after that and you said you had twenty one at that time?

SH: I said we are multiple,There are many among us inside. we share the body.

JP: I understand that, but then my question is did you ever say that Sarah has a multiple personality disorder?

SH: I am not aware that it is a disorder.

JP: What were the three new ones?

SH: Beth, Kim and Brian.

JP: And what were they all about?

SH: Beth was created basically to take all the pain, fears, sensations, memories of the trauma of the rape because Jennifer is not equipped, not built or created to handle that. She is made to be happy and she still does not understand what happened to her fully, only that it was bad. Kim was made -- Leona made Kim to balance out Beth. Kim is very happy, very upbeat. Brian is a bodyguard, body builder, Leona felt he would be necessary and so she created him as well.

JP: Today you have forty six?

SH: Yes. Approximately half of them came from further splitting after the assault, and while I was hospitalized. The others called themselves the lost ones and they began to emerge.

JP: Franny, Mr. Salzsieder would like to talk to Jennifer, can we do that?

ES: I was wondering if you can tell us -- you went fishing I guess you don't fish, maybe you popped out at Menominee Park?

Jen: I danced.

ES: At the time of your dancing, were you fishing?

Jen: I can't dance and fish at the same time.

MP: I helped her take her pants off, I pushed back the seat, I was fondling her and then we engaged into sexual intercourse.

JP: Then what happened?

MP: First, I asked her if she wanted me on top of her or if she wanted to be on top of me.

ES: So you didn't object to the sex at that point?

Jen: What. You tell me what sex is and I will tell if I objected or not. I don't understand what you are talking about.

ES: Did Mark put his penis in your vagina?

Jen: His what?

ES: His penis in your vagina?

Jen: I don't know what that means.

ES: The question was, was there any indication as to Jennifer being logical, coherent, able to carry on an intelligent conversation. That was the question.

SH: Jennifer is twenty years old, she loves to dance and rock and roll. she's sort of niave person, not street wise, again not a complete personality.

ES: Any favorites?

SH: Bob Seeger, old time rock and roll album. She has actually danced the entire soundtrack to Top Gun.

JP: Do you remember -- you know what a policeman is, wears blue uniform?

SAM: Protector?

JP: That's right, protector. You remember being in the room on top of some kind of table and there was a policeman and you were in a white room, funny looking table?

SAM: Yes, white room. I do not like the lights.

JP: Why did you come out that time?

SAM: I was frightened.

JP: What was going on?

SAM: I was alone. I knew there had been harm to the body, I felt it.

JP: What did you do?

SAM: I rolled off the gurney bed and I went under it and i growled to keep people away.

JP: Jennifer, you go to the bathroom sometimes?

Jen: Yes.

JP: Can you point to the area where you go to the bathroom?

Jen: No.

JP: I don't meant to be offensive. We kind of have to know what he did with you.

Jen: Down there.

JP: Is that where he put that thing?

Jen: Yes.

JP: You said he poked a hole in you with it?

Jen: Yes.

JP: How long would you say that he was on top of you?

Jen: I don't know, several minutes.

JP: Did he hurt you?

Jen: Yeah.

MP: I wanted to take her to Hardee's for a fish sandwich.

JP: You were told at some point that Jennifer was a type of person that could eat you up in a loving sort of way?

MP: That was told to me at the restaurant by Franny.

JP: You were told that about Jennifer in the restaurant?

MP: Yes.

JP: The fact that she could eat you up in a loving sort of way?

MP: That's true.

JP: I take it you figured that means she might be willing to have sex with you.

MP: I'm not saying I was looking for sex, no, becaues it wasn't even on my mind.

JP: What did that mean to you when she said Jennifer could eat you up in a loving sort of way.

MP: That was told to me, that she was possible promuncious person.

JP: A what?

MP: Promoncious, bold.

JP: Promiscuous?

MP: Promiscuous, whatever.

Jen: When he was moving around on top of me he said that feels so good, and so I said that feels nice.

JP: You told him that feels nice?

Jen: Well, I seen it on T.V., people wiggling like that, and when one person says it feels good, the other person is supposed to say that it feels good so I put my arms around his back and I said that feels nice.

JP: Did you ever tell him to stop it, I don't want to do this?

Jen: I didn't know what he was doing.

JP: That's what you saw on T.V.?

Jen: It is on T.V.

JP: Did he eventually get off of you?

Jen: Yes.

JP: Did he say anything before he did?

Jen: He said time to pull out, don't want to get you pregnant.

JP: You know what that meant?

Jen: I know what pregnant is when, somebody sticks a finger in your bellybutton and a baby comes out.

JP: Jennifer, when you were actually wiggling with Mark Peterson --

Jen: I wasn't wiggling.

JP: When he was wiggling on you, were any others in you present?

Jen: Emily was peeking. She does that all the time.

JP: How does she peek?

Jen: Through the eyes. Through the eyes of the body.

JP: Jennifer, would it be possible for me to talk to Emily this morning?

Jen: Sure, Emily could.

JP: Could we talk to her?

Jen: Okay.

JP: But please take your time.

Jen: See you later. Wait a minute, she wants Pookey, her bear.

JP: Emily, I was told by somebody else, Jennifer, that when this man was doing something to her you were peeking, do you remember that?

E : Yeah.

JP: How come you were peeking?

E: I can peek if I want to.

JP: You do that once in a while?

E: I do it all the time.

JP: What do you see when you peek?

E: Everything. I get to see what's going on.

JP: Do you know how to peek? E Peeking is done from the white place where one can hear, smell and see but cannot intervene. It is done by looking out through the eyes of the body.

JP: What did Emily appear to you as, how did she look? what did she do?

MP: Young girl.

JP: Did she talk like a young girl?

MP: A high pitched, screechy voice, yes.

JP: Did she act like a young girl?

MP: I didn't see no twenty year old or thirty year old swinging on the swing like that.

JP: So it was pretty darn noticeable to you she was a six year old?

MP: At that time, yes.

JP: That wouldn't be the same six year old you saw during the sex act?

MP: I wasn't aware of recognizing a six year old during sex.

JP: Isn't it a fact that there came a time when you called upon Jennifer to tell Emily that you should keep it your little secret of what she had seen?

MP: You want to restate that, please?

JP: Didn't you testify on direct examination that you did tell Jennifer to tell Emily to forget what she had seen?

MP: That's true.

JP: What did he want?

E: He wanted Jennifer.

JP: Did Jennifer come out?

E: I don't know.

JP: Did you go away?

E: Yes. I went, but I peeked.

JP: Did you hear what he said when you were peeking?

E: Yup, and it was a bad thing.

JP: What did he say to you?

E: He didn't say it to me.

JP: What did he say to Jennifer?

E: He said tell Emily to forget everything she saw because it was a secret between you and me and she said okay. But Lori told me that when a grown-up touches you where your underwear covers you that it is bad and that you should tell.

selected court proceedings based on
document # STATE OF WISCONSIN (Plantiff) V. MARK A. PETERSON(Defendant) Winnebago County; Circuit Court Branch IV State of Wisconsin Jury Trial Case NO. 90 CF 280 Judge Robert A. Hawley Oshkosh, Wisconsin November 5-8, 1990